
Mint is a community-led initiative for developers on the Ethereum ecosystem. It's reliable, scalable, and super easy to get started. The best part? It's completely open source.

Use our tools to enhance your projects and dApps

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Batch Mint API

Empower your dApps to bulk mint multiple NFTs at once!

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Single Mint API

Seamlessly power your dApps to mint Collectible & NFTs.

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Unity SDK

Building a game? The Unity SDK makes it effortless to add Collectibles & NFTs to your next big title, so that you build an amazing game, and not worry about the Web3 parts of it


Built and powered by our community!

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Powered by Dehidden

You can now create your events, and generate APIs to mint unique tickets as ERC 721 tokens. Here’s a one-stop solution for your next web3 event!

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Single Mint

Powered by Dehidden

Mint a unique piece of art - one at a time - and completely gas-free.

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Batch Mint

Powered by Dehidden

Mint a family of unique NFTs upto 10k in one go.

What's Next For Mint?


Smart Contract Customisations


Whitelist and Airdrop Functionalities


NFT Claim Customisations


Tokengating APIs


Memberships as NFTs and its customisations


Unity SDK Enhancement


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Polygon Connect is a global initiative that unites every part of Polygon’s ecosystem via live events, hackathons, and community gatherings. Please ensure that you've regi...

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Polygon Football Col...

While nations compete against each other on field, nations are building web3 together #onPolygon. Introducing the Polygon Football Collection - 32 digital footballs to ce...

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Art Basel

Immersive Art + Web3 Bungalow Polygon celebrates creators all November with Polygon Loves Creators. We’re just as passionate about building as we are with creating, and t...

crystal faq

Our Community



Can’t find an answer to your question? Reach out to our team

What is an NFT?

When you go to the bank to get a new credit card, you have to wait for it to get printed before you can use it. The same thing happens with an NFT, except that it is minted on the blockchain. Minting is a way of turning any digital file or item into an NFT stored on the blockchain.

Why do I need a wallet to mint an NFT?

An NFT wallet is a cryptocurrency wallet that supports the blockchain protocol that the NFT is minted on. Think of your NFT wallet as a locker where you store your NFTs after minting..

I don't have a wallet. How do I get one?

To set up a Metamask wallet, go to and click the “Download” button, which will take you to the relevant store to download the extension or app based on the device and browser you’re using.

Okay, so I have a wallet now. How do I proceed?

Awesome! Just connect your wallet by clicking on Wallet Connect; follow the instructions, and you are good to go!

What is an ERC 721 NFT?

ERC 721 is an NFT standard. NFTs created with this standard are unique and can only be stored in one wallet at a time. If you want to mint a unique file like an audio, image, or video as an NFT, then you should use the ERC 721 standard.

I minted an NFT. What now?

Once you have minted an NFT, you can sell it in a marketplace like OpenSea, gift it to someone by transferring it to their wallet, or keep it in your wallet like a memory stored forever.

Can I display the NFT on a public platform?

After minting, you can put your NFT for sale on an NFT marketplace like OpenSea and Rarible.

Does minting an NFT mean I hold copyrights over the content?

Minting an NFT is not the same as holding its copyright. So, always mint original artwork created by you, or digital assets that you own.

What is a soulbound NFT?

Soulbound is an NFT that is non-transferable. This means that you can neither transfer nor sell a soulbound. The value a soulbond holds cannot be bought in any marketplace for it is unique to the holder.

What are NFT utilities?

Utilities are added perks. With NFTs, you can personalize them to your taste. Whatever floats your boat — add a social autograph, hold a physical copy, gift it to a special someone, and even make some content hidden while on the blockchain!

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